Friday, September 17, 2010

Breaking News Update: President Obama's Press Conference, Confirms Goolsbee, Mid-Terms

Speaking right now in the East Room of the White House is President Obama talking with the Press this morning about the economy and the elections in November. President Obama began with comments on the economy and confirmation that Austin Goolsbee will be the new head of the Council of Economic Advisers, replacing Christina Romer. The President pointed to past policies as a big reason for the current economic hardship, and notes how progress towards recovery has been "painfully slow". President Obama highlighted his recent proposals for improving the economy, including tax incentives for investment and the small business jobs bill. The President also mentioned tomorrow's 9th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, urging Americans to unite. He then opened to questioning. First question from the Press was dealt with the November elections and the economy. President Obama responded that if Democrats have good economic policies then they should prevail, however he noted the party's biggest challenge is that the Democratic party has been in power for 2 years and the economy is still not back. As expected the President also held the GOP responsible for some of the mess, saying that the party is "holding middle-class tax relief hostage" in order to gain tax relief for the wealthy. The President is continuing his talks with the press and we will update you as we move along.

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