Saturday, May 29, 2010

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ANISSUE THAT LIBERALS, INDEPENDENT AND CONSERVATIVES CAN AGREE WITH!!! Mike Huckabee is a supporter and a leader in the FAIRTAX(tax reform) and that is why John McCain should pick Mike Huckabee for Vice President!!! Call McCain's office at 703-418-2008 and let him know you want the FAIRTAX and Mike Huckabee for Vice President! A MUST READ!!! A brief summary of the FAIRTAX A. The FAIRTAX will eliminate income taxes, withholding, self-employment taxes, bonus taxes, overtime taxes, social security taxes, medicare taxes, alternative minimum taxes, estate taxes, gift taxes, corporate taxes, capital gain taxes, dividends taxes, small business taxes, and replace it with a 23% sales tax. Plus it will give each American household that are citizens a rebate check based on the poor necessities of life. It will also abolish the 16th admendment and prevent the government from taxing us twice! B. Its Fair because for example if you are rich and you buy a $20000 rolex watch you pay more in taxes but the same percentage as someone buying a $95.00 fossil watch so it is fair for the rich and the poor that may one day become rich. C. The FAIRTAX is Fair for the poor and middle class because of the rebate check. Under the FAIRTAX there is no taxes on necessity items (food, clothing, water etc), but it is not a necessity to have a party and to buy lots of food or to go on a shopping spree and buy lots of cloths. That is the purpose of the FAIRTAX rebate checks, and the size of the rebate ...

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Health Reform and Insurance Industry Oversight (04/30/2010 Web chat)

HHS Secretary Sebelius and health reform experts answered your questions about how the new law protects consumers through stronger insurance company oversight. We allow comments according to our comment policy US Department of Health & Human Services

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Faith is Not Fear

Several weeks ago, I published the article "Faith is not Religion". When I did, I felt somewhat reluctant, not wanting to wade into the religious quagmire spiraling through American politics. If you have not read the article, you might want to read it before finishing this since I feel no less reluctant to write this article.

As we all know, there are three dominant religions in current history. Two of these began as what I think of as relief valves for the original, which is Judaism.

The Jewish religion was, as I understand it, founded on the backs of those who suffered for their faith. Their God was an angry demanding and unforgiving deity. This God maimed, punished, and killed those who dared not obey without hesitation, without question.

Then, a man who many now claim to be the Son of God walked the lands of what was then Palestine. Everyone knows the stories of His deeds, His words, His lessons, and His death. Central to His message was compassion, loving one's enemy as one's friend, turning the other cheek, building plows out of swords. He healed the sick, welcomed all to listen and follow. He spoke of a loving, forgiving God.

Centuries later, another man, the Prophet Mohammad walked the same ground, offered, I believe, an enlightened message, teaching the need for harmony and education. He too spoke of a loving, forgiving God.

I do not believe that either, Son of God or Prophet, intended hatred and fear to be central to what they felt humans needed for peaceful co-existence.

Yet now centuries later, followers of all three religions seem to feel it necessary to reach far back in time for the Old Testament God's discriminating lack of compassion so they might now beget a future.

Fear is not Faith.

I write this with conviction. I do not think followers of the three religions can ever live together as long as fear is the batter from which loaves of justice are baked and shared during meals.

However, humans, it seems, need to dwell on the past to seek a future. I think that knowledge of the past can be a foundation only, not building blocks for the unseen and unknown tomorrow.

We expend too much effort; exhaust too many lives ramming wet clay cast from spilled blood into barricades and levies, to keep out the undesirable element, which too often is the element we would see if we had a spiritual mirror to gaze in to.

Elected leaders, men and woman entrusted to speak publicly, to promote reason, and doctrines of faith, twisted and writhed under the erotic and enticing caress of wealth and fame. They distorted truth for personal gain, not the common good. They used basic human psychology to further whatever agenda they received payment to promote.

Those leaders, speakers, or their masters, knew too that fear is the heart of religion. Therefore, they used religion.

They understood, it seems, that as time passed, throughout history, men rewrote, adjusted, and added to the original teachings of the Prophet and Son of God. They created demons, burned witches, hung or disemboweled heretics, dunked the innocent, stoned, whipped, or killed disobedient wives and daughters, beheaded non-believers.

Many at one time waded through flowing blood in the streets of the holiest of cities.

They performed these acts as needed to control the masses, the peasants, serfs, slaves and willing but uneducated followers, without regard for truth, justice, or the teachings of the Son of God or the Prophet.

Politicians and their moneyed masters also restricted education, or lowered the standards of educational success.

Until all the people of Earth can set religion off to the side of discussion between our cultures, we will never discover true peace. Moreover, when religion is dragged back into the rooms where cultures meet to resolve differences, those meetings must be curtailed until religion is again outside.

Peace is a living without fear. Fear is not faith. Fear is religion. With true faith comes true peace.

Listen to the voices of men and women filled with religious fervor, and you will hear anger, and know that anger is often an expression of frustration or confusion. Those emotions are deeply rooted in fear. Too often, the fear taught us by religious leaders.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My "Dream" World

As a flash I could see things flying high in the air above the skyscrapers. They resembled cars like, racing in the blue skies. All the news and the current happenings of the world are now appearing on the LED screens on the sky-high buildings. This world may be now in 22nd century. As I advance along the eight lane roads among a huge rally of vehicles between the beautiful and mind blowing architectures, it kept me astonished to see trains flying high in the skies adjacent to the roads by hanging to strands. I could observe a rapid population exposition on seeing people everywhere in lumps even in the skies. These scenes were revealing me massive revolution in electronics and communications.

It is evident that this world is now under the grip of information-technology and Semi-conductor on seeing the robot-operated cars and robot driven devices, I.T may be now an essential commodity in every walk of life. I believe, Robotics may be in its swing all over the world by now on being witnessed by the devastating sight of "Laudable India", which also turned out to be as a lancet to the world in the modern times in every aspect.

Now its time for me to ascend a flying car and start flying in the skies instead of birds which are scarcely seen. I learnt that the oceans have cut a part of the land. The world has reduced to 95% of the original in the past due to the expansion of oceans. All the ponds and lakes were briefed and so were renovated as swimming pools for recreation.

Due to enormous pollution, people were suffering from several types of illness and because of high population, food stocks were either less or insufficient. Alternatives were being invented in irrigation and agriculture for survival from drought and other frightened conditions. Crop fields were rarely seen. Deforestation has rapidly taken place. Obviously these consequences are the result of rapid industrialization and population. It also resulted in the shorter life-span, lack of natural resources, pollution, high temperatures and enormous green-house effect. So for man to survive, special oxygenated booths were arranged where we can have some relief by taking pure oxygen and prolong our life.

Suddenly a slap on made to open my eyes and see the normal world i.e. the present. I am glad and felt lucky enough to taste the above mentioned scenes just in a dream and not in reality.

Thank God! As we are not in that scenario and this should alarm every one of us and lets try and save our successors not to live in that disastrous world which is not having at least sufficient oxygen to breathe.

Hello readers, I am Ravi Kiran, a Technology Graduate from India. I have an immense interest in writing short articles, so I started writing my first article and completed within half an hour, five years back. That very article is MY 'DREAM' WORLD. Now I had to chance to present you. Hope you will like it and do give me a feedback, so that it helps me. My next article will be presented soon. Thank You.

Ravi Kiran

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